Monday, September 05, 2005

Why this blog?

Here are the reasons why I decided to compile all my "Lists" and put them into this blog:-

1. Some mates have complained that my posts are too long to read. So it is prolly easier for them to just come here and look thru the lists which are not so taxing on them! (See how considerate I am!!!)

2. I have come up wif some pretty good "Lists" in the past and just like music singers/bands who/which run out of good stuff to come out wif, they put up a "Greatest Hits Albums". This is my "Greatest Hits Album" for my Lists!!!

3. I enjoy reading lists (most of mine are actually inspired by real-life blogs!!!) and I assume most readers do too!

4. Some of my previous "Lists" were actually posted on me "private" blog so this is actually a chance for me to "go public" about it!

5. I am simply too free now!!!! So I better do this before term starts next month!

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