Friday, September 09, 2005

Why I miss work!

This was a post I put up in February after stopping work at UMW Toyota Capital. Oh, there's a reference to CGWNH - if you dun know about her, then you'll never know who she is - so dun ask!!! ;-P

I’m serious (with reference to the post title). Of course, sum of me mates thot I was just tryin to rub it in – but I really do. I kinda envy them that they get to go to work the next day!!!!

Here’s a list of reasons why I miss going to work – of course, in the context of going to work at me last work place!

1. I enjoy the work

Sure, there’s not much job satisfaction in the sense that I’m not changing the world in wat I do but I enjoy legal work and the work there is simple enuf not to stress me up but difficult enuf to be sufficiently challenging.

2. I get to tell lawyers what to do! ;-P

3. It feels good to be useful.

There’s this sense of achievement when I complete my assignments or clear my work. I guess I’m a little bit of a workaholic – I’m the first to be in (most of the time, I turn on the lights!!!) since I go early to avoid the jam and I’m almost always the last to leave (yes, I turn off the lights when I leave!!!) and Weng usually has to come over to convince me to leave!

4. I enjoy the company of me work mates.

I’m really thankful that I ended up sitting with the Recovery team – I just clicked wif them! They enjoy music (our work area is the only place in the whole office where the radio is blaring all the time during office hours), football and they are just as lame as I can be!!! There are also nice and amusing people in other departments! It’s interesting to note that despite me being there only around 2 months, when it was time for me to go, it felt like I’ve been there forever – it just shows how easy I managed to click with the people there.

5. I get to see CGWNH every working day!!!! :-)

6. I have a great boss

Forget all the horror clichéd stories about terrible women bosses. Me boss is fun, funny, appreciative and good at her work! Nobody knows this but one incident happened in her room which made me decide to extend my stay at the company (which since then, the company withdrew its ofer) – me boss was asking and pleading with me to stay on and I was in such a good mood that I broke out into song saying “All my bags are packed” to which she immediately responded with “I’m ready to go”!!! I mean, come on – where can you find a boss like this? I know I’ll never find another like her!

7. I’m treated like a “king”.

In the land of the blind, the one-eye man is king!!! The whole company looks up to me in awe cuz of me “superior” knowledge in law!

8. I enjoy my lunch time

It’s usually spent by the lakeside reading and praying – just chatting with Jesus. Love it.

9. I get to go to Court again

…and I dun have to be stressed out!

10. I actually lost weight!!!

I found that I could go thru the day without eating much – just survive on coffee!!! And since I sleep early, there’s no such thing as supper! Now, I eat non-stop at home, day and nite. Sigh…

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