Just got home from Penang! Totally wasted (meaning really tired!). A crazy 3 day 2 nites whirlwind trip there – and I really enjoyed meself (in spite of the Penang drivers and the fact that I din go on-line at all!!!) Here’s why I enjoyed it:-
1. I had loads of good food!
Yeah, the char kuay teow was really good – and it comes with big juicy prawns!!! Yum!!! Even the “Wan thun” mee was a nice surprise – the “wun thun” was really good – unlike the pathetic mini ones they serve here in KL!
And we stumbled upon this Honkie café called “Iceice Baby” (shud be read as “Ice Ice Baby”). So we decided to be adventurous and walked in while humming the bass riff line from Vanilla Ice’s song (for the younger generation, his song is “Ice Ice Baby”). I had the Watermelon Rambutan Smoothie – it was simply excellent – the perfect antidote to the blazing hot afternoon! Me mate had the tuna cheese toast which was stuffed generously with tuna and cheese – totally unhealthy but simply delicious!
2. I finally managed to walk all the way up Penang Hill – sumthin which I was supposed to complete years ago! (Read my other post for details!)
3. Closely related to no. 2 above, had a nice time enjoying God’s creation - being in the jungle and in nature surrounded by the flora and fauna was really refreshing.
4. Manage to catch up wif a fren working there whom I have not seen for months.
5. Had sum excellent time sharing with my travel mate
Caught up wif each other , gossiped bout other people, talked bout problems facing our local church, etc.
6. Wandered round Prangin Mall
It has nice little shops selling interesting stuffs. Even the action figure shops there have better choices than here! I managed to buy an Angelica Lee’s movie DVD – can’t find in KL :-)
7. Had a nice drive there and back.
I took the scenic route, not the tolled highway. It was really fun travelling in the small windy roads, passing many a small village and Orang Asli (the native people) settlement, although I had to avoid the chickens which love to cross the road in front of me car!
Spontaneously made a turn-off to explore a waterfall near Tapah town. Excellent place!
The "Lata Kinjang" waterfalls near Tapah (for those who travel from KL to Ipoh, you can usually see this from the highway) 

On top of that, despite driving on me own, I had my new CD player accompanying me all the way – with me singing like crazy!
8. I had time to spend on my own!
9. I had time to just sit and read.
10. Reminiscing the good times I had with frens whenever I passed a familiar place.
It was my kind of ideal holiday – flexible and spontaneous plans, being at one with nature, shopping (mostly the “window” kind!) in interesting shops, good food, great company, wonderful memories.
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