1. It's my 3rd movie i watched on the big screen since coming here, the last being King Kong wif KC in Sheffield on New Year's eve!!!!
2. I was fascinated by the commercials/adverts before the movie!!!! Yup, wif no TV and very little radio, my life has been commercial free (save for the beer commercials during half time of EPL matches!!!!)
3. It brought back memories of when i was a kid and me dad brought me to watch Superman in Sentosa Cinema at section 17!!!!
4. I loved the story - the readjustment he had to make, the dealing of the loss of one he loves, the struggle of having to save the world. It had a lot of heart, a lot of emotions. Been pretty emotional lately so it suited me to the T!
5. The theme song of Superman! Excellent! With the modulation to "Can you read my mind" in the middle. Brilliant!
6. Lex Luther - so typical, so evil, so... dumb! Hahahaha. Made the same evil villian mistake. Why did he have to explain in detail his plans to Lois Lane????? Why??? Why??? But that's how it is! :-)
7. Excellent CGI!!!! Superman really flies!!!! Cool!
8. Little details - i really liked it when Superman flew away from the Daily Planet building and you could see for a split second a half ball of water vapor from the middle of his body signifying that he crossed the speed of sound. Super-cool! Kudos to Bryan Singer!

This the the burst of water vapor i'm talking about - just when the F-18 breaks the sound barrier. Pic taken from here.
9. The hero factor! We all love heroes, dun we? I do. I just wanted to stand up and cheer when he stopped the jet from crashing!
10. Two and a half hours? I was surprised when it ended! Was it really 153 minutes???? It din feel so! Good movies usually are like that! :-)
I'm trying hard not to jump into the bandwagon and blog about the World Cup finals yesterday (yes, i know i said here that the World Cup for me ended on the 1st of July - but c'mon. This is the World Cup finals!!!!!).
Here are 10 things i won't be blogging about:-
1. I won't blog bout how glad i am for Alberto and all Italians that Italy won.
2. I won't blog about how relieved i feel that France din win.
3. I won't blog about how i was wrong when i said here "who says cheaters never prosper?"
4. I won't blog bout how brilliant the Italian penalties were! England, take note!
5. I won't blog bout how shameful Zidane acted.
6. I won't blog bout bout how ridiculous i find that Zidane still won the Player of the Tournament!!!
7. I won't blog bout how shocking i find that some players are trying to justify and defend Zidane's actions!!!!!
8. I won't blog about how some people can be such sore losers - like Gallas who labelled all Italians as cheaters (see here).
9. I won't blog about how brilliant Gattuso and Cannavaro played not only during the finals but thruout the World Cup.
10. I won't blog about how in football, it is not always the team that plays the best who will be crowned the Champions.
I won't - so dun expect it, ok? ;-P
Dear Mr. Terrorist,It was an emotional day for a lot of us yesterday. Like me, i'm sure many others went thru feelings of sadness, regret, which turned into anger and finally ended with resolve. Tears were shed. Innocent lives were cruelly and thoughtlessly taken away far too soon. There were no opportunities to say goodbye, no opportunities for the last smile, the final hug.But do you wanna know something? Well, in case you still havent realised it yet BUT YOU HAVE FAILED!!!!!!Here's a list of reasons why i say so:-You tried to put terror in our lives - but we all came out, unafraid, as we have done before 7/7/05 and after 7/7/05.You tried to disrupt our lives by breaking us down - but we ended up being stronger, and carried each other.You tried to turn us against the governments that are against your ideology - but we ended up standing by them.You tried to elicit sympathy for your cause - but you only succeeded in revealing that you are heartless, cruel, and evil person, and no religion or political thinking can ever justify your despicable acts.You tried to end up in a better place - but we all know where you are at this point of time.
"Although the intention of those who carried out these evil acts was to stir up hatred and set people against each other, they have had precisely the opposite effect. Instead of division, people have been drawn together in a determination to find a deeper practice of common values, not least the values of tolerance, trust and compassion." Prince Charles
At the end of today, i looked up into the blue summer nite sky and said to meself, "This is the life!"Here are the things i did today:-1. Woke up early - before me alarm went off!2. Read me bible and had a short worship session. It was good.3. Shaved, did me exercises and went to work.4. Met Kathy while punching in - she is so sweet! :-)5. Had loads of washing up to do today - but we had loads of free food too - sausages, bacon, lasagne... i'm gonna put on weight!!!6. Had nice chats while working and during breaks wif new frens at work.7. Came back and watched Maria in the semis, and then did me laundry.8. Had a nice chicken masala dinner.9. Had a nice serious chat wif Di.10. Chat online wif a few mates too.11. Went to the reading room to study.12. Took the scenic route back, along the lake side.Sounds too normal-eh? But i really enjoyed it! Life is not one explosive event after another - to me, a wonderful life is one filled wif little underated pleasures that makes me feel... alive!
In fact these past couple of days have been great! Felt so fresh, been bone tired, laughed like crazy, cried buckets, been amazed and intrigued, cheered and jeered,sweated in the heat and felt the wind in me hair, acted mischievously and maturely, felt God's love!Wat more can one ask for?
The past weekend marked the end of many things:-1. The end of Spring term!
Summer term officially started on Saturday. Received an e-mail confirming that i have passed everything thus far (duh) and that i now have permission to start doing me dissertation! Oh, alrite - at least now i have an official reason for not doing much regarding me dissertation this past month and a half! ;-P2. Agassi played his final game at Wimbledon.
It was indeed an emotional farewell. Goes to show that you dun need to be a winner (he only won Wimbledon once) to be appreciated and remembered! Man, is he old - older than me! Yeah, that is old! But still playing tennis at the top level! *Respect*3. The World Cup 2006.
Well, for all intents and purposes, the World Cup has ended for me. All the teams me supporting are out. I really dun care now who wins. If i have my way, none will win!!!! ;-P I've never liked Germany for the boring (yet i admit effective) style of playing. Portugal? Yeah, i rooted for them (against England - that shud be dealt wif in another blog) but they were pathetic. They just played against another pathetic team!!! France? Me mate was saying that Henry is PADI certified diver!!!!! Let the cheater win? Zizou was impressive, tho! Italy? Well... OK. then. Italy, since i can't think of anything strong against them!!!!!4. Sven's reign as coach and Beckham's captaincy ended
These 2 events took place wif England crashing out. These two event shows that their is always a silver lining in every cloud. Prolly the 2 best things to happen to English football in a long long time!5. My days of unemployment ends.
Sure, i've been doing some odd jobs here and there as part of the Ents crew but i start me full time summer job this month. Not looking forward to it - at least 30 hours a week, waking up at 6:30 am, will prolly have to shave every other day, maybe even get a haircut, work up til 7 hours a day!!! Well, we all have to grow up sooner or later...All good things have to come to end, i guess. All good things on this world, anyways!
p/s - oh yeah, Sathees also ended his days of singlehood. Why does the tune of "Another one bites the dust" comes to mind now??? ;-P Congrats to Wei Lyn and him!!!!!
I'll start work this week - I'm working at this cafe place on campus. I start work at 7:30 am!!!!!!!! Oso, i hope that i'll start real work on me dissertation!!!!
I guess we all have to grow up sooner or later, dun we? ;-P Here are things i'll miss:-1. Waking up after lunch! :-(2. Watching Wimbledon online.3. Blogging all day long!4. Cooking me dinner at midnite - and having the whole kitchen to meself!!!5. Taking me shower at 2 am - and not having to fight for the shower!6. Sleeping when the day breaks!7. Doing an all nite long movie nite!!!!8. Reading in the cool hours of the nite.9. Being awake when the day day starts back home in M'sia!!!!10. I would end each day sitting in the kitchen, with a cup of coffee and talk to God while watching the sun rise. I'm gonna miss that so much. Check out me sunrise pics here, here and here.