Monday, December 31, 2007

O Christmas Tree

Here are some of me memorable X'mas trees:-

1. This tree kept me company for the 2 X'mases when i was in Essex. Got it from Wilkinson. It is battery operated and have fiber optics which lights up! :-)

2. This huge tree was the first i saw in 2006! It was early November and i was in Paris. This was in Galerie Lafayette.

3. Ah, our campus tree on Square 3. It's lovely to just walk on campus and see it - or work at Food-on-3 and look out and see it.

4. The huge tree at Trafalgar Square - every year since 1947, a full size pine tree has been given by the people of Norway as a Christmas gift. Read about it here.

5. My "work-place" tree. This little tree has been sitting on my work table come every December for many many years - starting from me practicing days and now in me room in Uni.

6. And finally, this is the current tree we have in our house!

7. Just one more - this is no X'mas tree but both me mate Kathy and i felt that this was just one huge x'mas tree!!!!

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