Here it is:-

Trust me, it took me a whole day of inner struggle before finally deciding to buy it! Here are the reasons i manage to come up wif (in Wimbledon colours, of course!):-
1. This is prolly the only time ever i'll go to Wimbledom - the t-shirt with the "06" will be a perpetual reminder of that wonderful summer day!
2. I have not bought anything for meself since i started working! Not even Jewel's CD!!!! Surely i can afford to indulge meself on this, can't i?
3. It's Wimbledon!!!!!!!! :-)
4. It's green!
5. It'll oso remind me of the wonderful Summer of 2006 i'm having now (yes, WS, this is a direct reference to that theme!)
6. I starved meself the whole day - and saved some money which goes to part-payment of the t-shirt!
7. It looks really nice, doesn't it?
8. I've always been a big fan of Wimbledon Tennis - far bigger than the other Grand Slams.
9. I'll never buy another t-shirt this expensive ever again... i hope!
10. It's green in colour! Wha..? I said that oredi? Ermm.... well, it's a nice shade of green, dun u think? ;-P
Give me credit for trying... :-)
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