1. Running
I've always liked running. 2008 marked the start of my serious running affair.
I took part in 3 10 km runs - the KL International Marathon, the Nike 'Human Race' @ Singapore, and the Mizuno Wave Run. I also took part in the 25 km Penang Bridge Marathon. Oh, i did a 5 km fun run organised by some society at TUC.
Running is really addictive - and i hope to take part in more competitive runs this year. If i am pushed to set a goal, i think i would want to complete a full marathon by 2010.
2. East Malaysia Trip
I really enjoyed my trip to Sabah and Sarawak last summer. I went to Sandakan for the first time. I caught up with old frens at KK and Kuching. I met many new people too. And took loads of photos! :-)
3. Mount Kinabalu
Yes, this is connected with the previous event but i think it warrants to be considered as an event on its own. This was my 3rd attempt. It was really tough - maybe tt's wat made it so memorable. And tt's wat make me cherish the achievement so much.
I'm going again this year! *Gulp*
4. YAF Camp
I enjoyed the camp. It was really short - but jammed packed with so much fun and good reminders from God's word. The activities were great - the crazy fun we had during the ice-breakers which left us rolling on the floor laughing, the water games at the pool, the picture treasure hunt under the scorching sun, the hike thru real jungle to the light house. On top of that, i really liked my group members and the time of sharing we had. It was open, it was personal, it was real, it was so encouraging!
5. SMV Concert
WOW!!!! The concert just blew me away! Brilliant! :-)
6. Playing drums for Sunday Worship
What made this especially special was that we never expected it to take place so soon. In fact, to be honest, i expected this to take place only after this generation of leaders has passed on.
In any event, i enjoy playing the drums, i enjoy playing in a band. And i'm glad to hear only positive feedback regarding the bands on Sunday mornings - praise God!
7. Mooting
This took up a GREAT chunk of me life in 2008. There was the Jessup Moot (National Round) at IIUM, the internal moots for year 1 which became compulsory, and the Lawasia Moot - the National and International Round.
I had a great time with the students, coaching and helping them - there were ample opportunities to have fun. It was a valuable learning experience for me too and i got to know quite a number of people thru these moots.
8. UK holiday
My end of the year winter holiday did not turn up as wonderful as i had hoped it to be. But wat was really important for me was the time spent catching up with me mates and students at London, Cambridge and Colchester. I also finally met Debbie - and held her for a while! :-)
9. 8 March 2008
Polling day! As a family, we just walked down the road, did our duty and walked back. A simple act - but it went a long long way!
Too bad some of it has been undone very recently by some greedy self-seeking people. Oh well...
10. JFPC's wedding
To be honest, their wedding was more memorable than another wedding of a much closer fren - i guess its cuz i had a part to play in it. I was one of the photographers and it was great fun!
The dinner was enjoyable too and it was capped off with coffee at McDonald's across the street till late.
11. Pulpit ministry
After a lapse of .... many many years, i was finally back on the pulpit preaching again. Or shall i say, i was finally allowed back on the pulpit! Well, it was only one occasion and altho it was rather short notice and i was performing with the choir at Cheras that same night, i jumped at the chance.
I thought it went pretty well - i certainly managed to keep their attention. Well, it was the visual aids which caught their attention. It was definitely way much better than the one i gave last month. :-(
12. Human Rights Day @ TUC
Being the 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, i thought it would be good if we did something as human rights students. It wasn't anything spectacular but it was short, simple, fun and meaningful.
13. OA Sharing @ Girls' Camp
This was a wonderful opportunity and i despite being pretty stressed out with it, i had a really good time there and was very encouraged by the work done among the girls. Jes Min was there to assist me and we adjourned later for a nice supper and a good time of catching up.
14. Choir
It's always nice to go for choir practices, hanging out with mates, and brothers and sisters with the same interests. Last year saw a major change for me as i was switched to the tenors.
Choir also means dinners and suppers and we have had good food all the way to even Kajang once!
15. Hanging out wif students
Being involved in the moot competitions gave me many opportunities to hang out wif the mooters. We had pretty good meals - Japanese, pasta, buffet, pizza. The international Lawasia competition also gave us a chance to hang out in KL late at nites, whether be it at the mamak across the road or eating barbequed chicken wings at Jalan Alor.
There were the bowling session cuz farewell for Dinesh and Yun Ling. Then there were the couple of occasions when we were at Leena's place - for the bbq (which made 'crop circles' on part of her garden) and the Deepavali party.
16 and 17. Two Major Sporting events
2 unforgettable events took place in 2008 - the Euro 2008 which was absolutely brilliant where Spain won it, and of course the impressive big budget Beijing Olympics (altho the Men's singles finals for badminton was a real let down).
18. Monet's work
As a footnote, i also went to Copenhagen for a weekend away. It's added as a footnote cuz it din really blow me away. But seeing some of previously never seen before Monet's works at one of the museums there (the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek) by itself alone made the trip worth it!

19. Performing for the Law School Dinner
It was simple and almost impromptu - but it always feels good to be on a stage, playing an instrument! :-)
It was simple and almost impromptu - but it always feels good to be on a stage, playing an instrument! :-)
20. Hanging out wif Andrew and Adelyn
Been really busy so it was pretty nice one day to be able to take me nephew and me niece to the playground and hang out wif them for a little while.